Category Archives: News

The gift of health this Mothers’ Day with £5 off

On Mothers’ day, some of us are able to celebrate winning the Mum lottery, whilst [...]

Staying In and Staying Safe is Very Important. So, Is Your Wellbeing.

The authorities are advocating social distancing to help mitigate the spread of Covid-19. This includes [...]

Combat The Growing Threat Of ‘NSAID’ Resistance And Increased Health Risks With Natural Alternatives

It’s a common habit to reach out for over-the-counter NSAID’s (None Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) when [...]

It’s not too late to get fit this Summer!

Hey, You! Summer has started – sort of! It’s been a bit wet and rainy [...]

Improve Circulation and Alleviate Stiffness by wearing the NEW Colantotte Quon Loop wristband

The NEW Colantotte Quon Loop Introducing the NEW Colantotte Quon Loop wristband, named after Japanese [...]

Add A Touch Of Class To Your Zen Collection This Autumn/Winter!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our best-selling Magnetic Therapy bracelet, the Zen Loop [...]

Use Yoga to Find Your Inner Zen

Thinking of taking up a new activity this month? How about yoga, and no… it’s [...]

Do You Dare To Go Dairy Free?

Do You Dare To Go Dairy Free? Nutritionally speaking, dairy could be regarded as a [...]

Six Plant-Based Reasons To Go Vegan

Six Plant-Based Reasons To Go Vegan If a slim waistline, reduced blood pressure, and a [...]

Are Superfoods Really That Super?

We delve into those headline claims with a critical eye. Do superfoods really cure cancer, [...]